Adela reaumurella (wiki)

Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Adelidae
Genus: Adela
Species: reaumurella

Date: 2019-05-10
Place: 49.303796, 16.697904 (CHKO Moravsky kras - Otevrena skala)
Observer: sumie-dh
Biotope: benthos, under stones
Bedrock: Igneous and metamorphic rocks, Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks, loess

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Adela reaumurella

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Plskova, K., Sacha, M., brmlab. BioOSM - Adela reaumurella. 2023.