Pristina longiseta (wiki)

Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Annelida
Class: Clitellata
Order: Tubificida
Family: Naididae
Genus: Pristina
Species: longiseta

Date: 2017-03-19
Place: 50.098478, 14.435960 (aquarium in brmlab)
Observer: sumie-dh
Biotope: any surface in the aqurium
Bedrock: Loess, Cretaceous sandstone and marl
Microscope: Delta Optical Genetic Pro Trino (Rheinberg illumination)
Amplification: 100x
Description: Those was accidentaly imported to our aquarium with new plants, there was plenty of them, they was overpopulated especialy in tank without fishes.

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Pristina longiseta

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Plskova, K., Sacha, M., brmlab. BioOSM - Pristina longiseta. 2023.