Armadillidium vulgare (wiki)

Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Malacostraca
Order: Isopoda
Family: Armadillidiidae
Genus: Armadillidium
Species: vulgare

Date: 2021-05-29
Place: 50.083436, 14.480269 (neobrmlab)
Observer: sumie-dh
Biotope: substrate
Bedrock: Loess, Cretaceous sandstone and marl
Microscope: Carl Zeiss Neophot 32 (dark field)
Amplification: 63x
Collecting method: manual
Individuals found: 20
Duration on stage: 30
Description: Detail of telson with uropods, ventral view, 11 frames. Sample is little bit dryed out here but on living specimens uropods looks exactly same as is described in used key [Suchozemští stejnonožci České republiky s obrazovým atlasem, Lenka Malinková 2009]

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Armadillidium vulgare
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Plskova, K., Sacha, M., brmlab. BioOSM - Armadillidium vulgare. 2023.